Lost his mind
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Good luck with that
by Lost his mind inwhat is the big deal when you say "good luck with that" or he just had bad luck?
i have never been a jw, but what is the problem with saying these things?
my husband was so mad, he went to bed and would not talk to me.
So my husband got a letter
by Lost his mind inso, he received a letter that i am wondering if it is one of those open letters that are out there to denote time given.
it starts out with the name of the person sending it, then goes into the spiel...do you know our god's name?
when i was shown what it is, i kind of got upset.
Temple of Baal in new york
by Lost his mind inok, has anyone else heard of this?
the new york times had an article that it is being built but as i do an internet search of it all i get is weirdo sights professing the end of times.
so, anyone in new york, are you seeing this built?
I need some advise
by Lost his mind infollowing is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
Well, I asked a question and his answer blew me away
by Lost his mind infirst time, been lurking for years, but i asked my husband who has been studying for 20 plus years if he has ever questioned those that were "teaching" him.
blew my mind.
i ask him all the questions that you have asked yourself, but he will not ask them.